about the author

Fi Sylvester was born in a small town to the north of Leeds, in the early 1960s. Growing up, she loved nothing more than playing teacher to the smaller children in school which led to her becoming a primary school teacher as an adult, a role she enjoyed very much until her retirement due to ill health in 2020. Wondering what she could now do to engage her brain, she decided to write children’s stories, drawing on her childhood for ideas and utilising her training in the teaching of English to write stories that both entertain and support learning.

about the book

Livingstone Tortoise was very contented living in the garden with his friends, the goldfish. He spent his days lazing by the pond and chatting to the sparrows when they flew down for a drink in the little stream that bubbled into it. The children always made sure that he was safe and well and brought him lovely things to eat each day. Life was comfortable, but Livingstone craved excitement. He longed to see what was outside the garden.



Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....



I lOVED being a teacher…Loved is a key word here because it is a role that I can no longer do: I have ME/cfs.September 2021My symptoms began in October 2019 with a feeling of severe fatigue. Where ........


As a retired teacher I am very aware of the stresses of keeping the curriculum fresh and the children interested, while balancing home life and mental health. When considering this book, one of my ........


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