As a retired teacher I am very aware of the stresses of keeping the curriculum fresh and the children interested, while balancing home life and mental health.
When considering this book, one of my aims was to provide supporting work for teachers by creating a scheme of work alongside my book. Having worked alongside educators with many years of experience in the teaching of English, some of whom have been involved at a consultative level, I have put together a comprehensive scheme (see below) which covers vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, stages of writing: styles of opening; sentence structures; extending sentences; planning and writing. The writing element includes prompt and planning sheets along with a map of possible location for Livingstone which the children can use in their writing.
I have also created comprehension work based on recall, prediction and inference questions.
This work is available for download at and is suitable for Yrs 2-4, depending on levels of ability.
Along with the obvious language teaching link-as with all children’s literature-I wanted to include elements of PSHE and wellbeing, particularly with the current covid situation. Much of the story revolves around supportive relationships between the characters: the children looking after Livingstone; the sparrows encouraging Livingstone; the man and his dog being supportive (NO SPOILERS!). These tie in with the KS1 and KS2 PSHE curriculum for both Health and wellbeing and Relationships.

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